Opaqueness is not manner to ensure the quality of reforms at UoM

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) reminds that transparency in the work of every institution is a precondition for the development of democratic society, while the access to information of public significance needs to be equally available for everyone. Being the oldest higher education institution in Montenegro, University of Montenegro (UoM) should be the leading one… »

Human Rights School – XXIII generation

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a CALL for participants of the XXIII generation of the HUMAN RIGHTS SCHOOL – school for learning human rights from theory to practice – If you are a high school student, if you want to learn about human rights, to meet and socialize with your peers, to expand and… »

With efficient action of institutions and education against violence

On the occasion of International Day of Non-Violence, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) indicates on the disturbing increasing trend of violent behaviour, hate speech and hate crimes in our society to which we recently witnessed, and on which the media reported. It is especially concerning the sluggish and inadequate response from the institutions, often their… »

Appeal of NGOs for permanent sustainable engagement of assistants in the education of children with special educational needs

Group of NGOs (Naše sunce, Human Rights Action, Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro, First Association of parents of children and youth with special needs, Association of parents of children with disabilities in Podgorica, Association Parents, Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Women’s Rights Centre, Juventas, Shelterand Centre for Women and Peace Education– ANIMA) today… »

V National conference on fight against the corruption in education «Only knowledge should get you the title!»

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Hellenic Foundation for International Relations (ELIAMEP) today organised the V National conference on fight against the corruption in education titled «Only knowledge should get you the title!». The conference was organised with the support of EU Delegation to Montenegro, Heinrich Böll Stiftung and the Commission for the allocation of… »

Voice of young people should be stronger

Youth club from Cetinje last night organised a workshop on Youth activism, led by the coordinator of Youth group of Centre for Civic Education (CCE) Miloš Knežević. Knežević discussed with young people about the importance of involvement of young people in the life of communities in which they work and live – from families, through… »

Can art contribute to the process of reconciliation in region?

On the occasion of World Peace Day, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Coalition for REKOM today organised third consecutive debate on reconciliation, on the subject: Can art contribute to the process of reconciliation in region? Debate on reconciliation was opened by Montenegrin premiere of documentary “The unidentified”, by Nemanja Babić and Marija Ristić, which… »