Second session of Working group for the analysis and improvement of bylaws of SEC

Working group for the analysis and improvement of bylaws of State Election Commission (SEC), formed by Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro (AYDM) and Network for the Affirmation of Non-governmental sector (MANS), today organised its second session. Working group aims to review all existing bylaws of State Election Commission,… »

Diplomas awarded to participants of the XXVII generation of Democracy School

Tonight in Podgorica, diplomas were ceremoniously awarded to participants of the XXVII generation of Democracy School, organized by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Participants who have successfully finished the programme have been awarded with diplomas by Daliborka Uljarević, CCE Executive Director and professor Radovan Radonjić PhD,… »

Deadline extended for submission of project to 20 June 2016

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), NGO Bonum, NGO Incubator and Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIN) inform all interested organisations that the deadline for submission of project proposals of non-governmental organisations within the Call „Think Locally – Act Locally! – Fight against Corruption at the Local Level“ is being extended to 20 June 2016 until 16h00.… »

Urgently to adopt amendments to the media laws in Parliament

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and member of the RTCG Council Goran Đurović call upon all parliamentary parties to initiate drafting of amendments’ proposals of the media laws without delay. Media laws are part of agreement of political subjects in the process of restoring trust to election system and it is necessary to adopt them… »

We must not allow the relativisation of Holocaust

Following up with developments which took place at recently held discussion “Holocaust and Remembrance” within the Festival of Tolerance, in the organisation of NGO 35 mm (member of Civic alliance), where the participant Boris Raonić stated “what is happening at the moment on the territory of Israel against some other Semitic nations is a new… »

Fascist scars must not be stultified

On the occasion of publication of author’s text “Three tickets for Hollywood” by Goran Popović in Daily news, on 06/06/2016, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) appeals to all actors of public sphere to act with due diligence in relation to the events from the past and refrain from making parallels with some of the movements… »