CCE on the situation in Montenegrin media with experts from EC

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) shared its analysis regarding the situation in the area of media in Montenegro with experts from European Commission, which recently organised two independent expert missions. Goal of these missions was for the EU experts to gain a comprehensive overview of situation in the area of media freedoms in Montenegro, including… »

EU Enlargement and the Berlin process: What role for civil society?

Daliborka Uljarević, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) executive director, today spoke at the event organised by European Policy Centre (EPC) from Brussels, in cooperation with European Fund for the Balkans, on the subject “EU Enlargement and the Berlin process: What role for civil society?”. This policy dialogue was organised in the European Policy Centre in… »

Institutions covered by the Agreement on free and fair elections to ensure full transparency of work and proactive disclose of information

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Institute Alternative (IA) and Network for the Affirmation of NGO sector (MANS) call all institutions, subjects of Agreement on free and fair elections, to ensure full transparency of their work and to provide continuous and timely disclosure of all relevant information in their possession on their official websites. Also, we… »

ELIAMEP and CCE work on the proposal of new evaluation system for Montenegrin higher-education institutions

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), within the framework of the project “Only Knowledge should Get you the Title!”, conducted in cooperation with Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) organised series of meetings of ELIAMEP experts – Dimitri Sotiropulos PhD and Ioannis Armakolas PhD – with representatives of different educational institutions in Montenegro. During… »

MEP with representatives of civil society

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, organised a meeting with the representatives of civil society and Jozo Radoš, MEP and member of Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee of EU and Montenegro (SAPC), within the project «European cafe», based on the principle of World Café method, on the subject “European… »

Information meetings for NGOs from North, South and Centre of Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organised information sessions on 16, 17 and 20 May for representatives of local civil society organisations (CSO) in Kotor, Berane and Podgorica, within the project “Think locally – Act locally! – Fight against corruption on local level”. Montenegrin CSOs had the opportunity to be informed about the conditions for the… »

Hatred crime to be severely punished

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) condemns the violence perpetrated by two men against a Roma boy in Podgorica, which was recorded and circulated via social networks during last couple of days. CCE urged competent institutions to identify and accordingly sanction the bullies by implementing the provisions on hate crime in order to convey a clear… »

It’s okay to be different!

On the occasion of International Day Against Gomophobia, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) indicated on extremely difficult position of people of different sexual orientation in Montenegrin society. In spite of the solid legislative and institutional framework concerning fight against homophobia, dedication of institutions remains declarative to the great extent. Certain progress was evident in the… »