Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today sent the new urgency to the new composition of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption (APC) for precise information concerning the outcome of the Initiative for launching proceedings against MPs who failed to report accurate and complete data in the 2017 revenue and property reports of… »
Humanitarian development has to be intensified
On the eve of World Humanitarian Day (19 August), the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) wants to emphasize the importance of the principles of humanitarian aid, respect for human dignity and commitment to an equal opportunity society. Humanitarian workers cherish these values, and they should be established in all dimensions of the development of society,… »
Why do pupil textbooks make headache?
Changes and additions to the textbooks each new school year have not led to qualitative improvement of formal education, they represent financial burden for parents, and the reform processes have been chronically unplanned, which affects the teaching staff, textbook deficiencies and huge costs, as it is concluded, amongst other, in the analysis of the Centre… »
Systemic response to brain drain is needed
On the occasion of the International Youth Day, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) again points to unfavourable position of young people within Montenegrin society, who remain one of the most marginalized groups, and without systemic response by the state to the growing problems that young people face. Due to this status in the society,… »
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24 years since the operation ”Storm”
On the occasion of 24 years from the Operation Storm, which lasted from 4 to 7 August 1995, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) pays a tribute to the innocent victims of this crime and urges the competent institutions to prosecute all those responsible, but also to work on strengthening the culture of remembrance through… »
Particular interests above human rights
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses disappointment that the Proposal of the Law on the life partnership of the same – sex partners was not adopted yesterday in the Parliament of Montenegro. It is also hypocritical of political parties which rhetorically advocate for human rights protection to deprive human rights to one of the most… »
The judgement of the Administrative court is political and legally senseless
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assesses that the judgement of the Administrative Court Council, composed of Biserka Bukvić, Srđan Klikovac and Mirjana Milić, following the complaint of the former Minister of European Affairs, Chief Negotiator of Montenegro with the EU and Ambassador Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, is political and legally senseless. On 1 February 2018, the… »
The work of judiciary has to be more transparent
Transparency is one of the basis of democratic state that indicates the level of accountability of public sector bodies, including the judiciary, towards citizens. In the judiciary, the significance of this postulate is recognized, but further efforts are needed to effectually implement it, through two-way communication, planned information and education, which would strengthen trust in… »
To improve the system of implementation of alternative sanctions
The increase in crime, not only in Montenegro, but also much wider, leads to the burden of prison facilities and the need to use alternative models of criminal sanctions. In addition, prison sentence, apart from failing to achieve all expected effects, is also significant budgetary burden. Therefore, the introduction of alternative sanctions into our criminal… »