Not to oblivion

The common message of these people of different nationalities and different life paths, but with major life tragedies can be summarised as follows: forgive, but never forget… Not to oblivion – (pdf)

After Tito, a tito?

For the beginning, every one of us should first decide what kind of life we want: as subjects or as citizens – a life in which we will talk fearfully about all deviations our society is rife with, waiting for somebody else to “do the job” for us, or a life in which we will… »

When are those with titles afraid of knowledge

If you grease the palms, you will slip. If you look for shortcuts, you will lose your way. If you cheat, you will be outsmarted. If you think you can buy everything, than nothing will seem worth to you. If you do not have honour, all education is in vain. If you don’t have the… »

Eyes wide shut or wide open

The choice of and responsibility for the way in which we continue – with eyes wide shut or wide open – is up to each one of us individually. Let us each decide how to use this great power according to our own conscience… Eyes wide shut or wide open – (pdf)

Dangerous word

Although apparently innocent, the cancellation of a debate competition for high-school students is a symbolic and illustrative example of how the spirit of youth, which promises that everything is possible if you take action and try hard, is subject to systematic dilutions and mortifications in this country… Dangerous word – (pdf)