A European story must be a genuine story

Montenegro’s road to the EU has been slowed by the lack of internal political dialogue, foreign interference and technocratic benchmarks, and the negotiation process is crucial, not only to get tick the box, but to prepare for what follows. The European story is too serious to be left to politicians, political discourse is manipulative in… »

Strengthened capacities of nearly 60 NGO representatives within the M’BASE programme

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), within the project “CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy shaping – M’BASE”, organised series of three trainings in March and April aiming to strengthen the capacities of organizations whose projects were supported through the second Call of this programme. Through several days long trainings, representatives of supported… »

Clarifications concerning the second Call for Proposals for CSOs

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is publishing Clarifications concerning the II Call for proposals for projects of civil society organizations (CSOs) within the project “CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy making – M’BASE“. Attention is drawn to interested applicants to Corrigendum no.1 relating to the Guidelines for this Call for proposals. Clarifications… »

It is necessary to work together on strengthening normative and strategic framework and practice of cooperation between NGOs and the Government

Cooperation between the Government and NGOs is not good and efforts of all stakeholders are needed to make it functional and mutually beneficial, it was assessed today in the first part of the discussion forum “CSOs and Authorities – which road to the cooperation in building open society?“, organised by the Centre for Civic Education… »

Info session held in Pljevlja

Today in Pljevlja, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) in cooperation with the municipality of Pljevlja, organized an info session to present details of the II call for proposals for projects of civil society organizations (CSO) within the project ‘’CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy shaping -M’BASE”.