Young Leadership School – VII generation

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces CALL for participants of VII generation YOUNG LEADERSHIP SCHOOL – school for studying leadership skills from theory to practice – If you are a high-schooler wishing to develop your leadership skills, promote democratic values, expand and exchange experience with young people from Montenegro who are ready to take an… »

RECOM call for support to CSO projects

Centre for Civic Education (CCE/CGO), on behalf of project partners, within the project Regional CSO Activism for Regional Reconciliation in the Former Yugoslavia – in Support of RECOM, announces CALL FOR SUPPORT TO PROJECTS OF CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS IN MONTENEGRO, SERBIA, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, MACEDONIA, KOSOVO, SLOVENIA AND CROATIA You may submit your project proposals,… »

Three new projects supported

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has today, within the programme Let’s put corruption into museum! signed contracts with civil society organisations (CSO) which were awarded funds via second call for support of projects of these organisations in Montenegro in 2018. Through this call, three new projects were supported in the total amount of 27, 749.63EUR, and these organisations… »

CCE will intensify the activities despite the brutality of attacks

Yesterday the website Antidot published an anonymous piece full of malicious misrepresentations of my professional and private life with the clear aim of devaluing my work and, presumably, forcing me to withdraw from public life. Media and journalists who sign their articles had already written at length about the persons behind this website ( An… »

JCC Declaration offered realistic review of situation in Civil Sector

Ana Nenezic, Programme Coordinator in the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has participated at the meeting of the EU-Montenegro Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee(JCC) held on 18 December in Brussels. Nenezic, a full member of the JCC, as rapporteur has presented a report on state of affairs in the area of civil society and media in Montenegro,… »

Tonight ends the FAST FORWARD Human Rights Film Festival 2018

This year’s, the ninth edition of FAST FORWARD Human Rights Film Festival 2018 ends with two screenings in Podgorica, in CIC ‘Budo Tomovic’ and two in Kotor, in Cinema ‘Boka’. First screening of the last day of FAST FORWARD Festival in Podgorica starts at 18:00h, in Dodest hall of CIC ‘Budo Tomovic’ with film Our New President by… »

Boka and Kotor have special place in creation of basis for development of modern human rights protection concept

Kotor, PR Press Service – Fight for human rights is not easy and will never be ended, as it was assessed by Executive Director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Daliborka Uljarevic. She also stated that Boka and Kotor have special place in creation of multi-ethnic and multi-cultural understanding as foundation for development of modern… »