Montenegrin institutions must establish zero tolerance to plagiarisms
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses concern regarding decision of the Basic State Prosecution (BSP) that there are no grounds for criminal prosecution of persons who have illegally taken a part of curriculum from colleagues from Croatia, thus continuing with a negative practice of (non)prosecution of plagiarism by the Prosecution, which neither contributes to the… »
Transformation of RTCG from a party into a Public Service should not be halted
Podgorica PR press service – Transformation of Radio and Television of Montenegro (RTCG) from party to the Public Service must not be halted, since it would be a first step towards restraining of the European integration and European future of Montenegro, as it was stated from the performance ‘Independent Public Service and full stop’. The… »
Rakocevic is a mirror of academic honor of UoM’s management
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses regret over decision of the Senate of the University of Montenegro (UoM) to elect Velimir Rakocevic into position of regular professor for Criminal-Law group of subjects at the University of Montenegro, with the full awareness of controversies that follow academic work of Rakocevic. It seems as if we did… »
Invitation to citizens for a public performance in defence of independence of public service RTCG
We will gather in front of Parliament of Montenegro in Podgorica on 27 December at 11h30 in protest against attacks and pressures on independence of RTCG. We invite you to stand in defence of reforms that have started on Television of Montenegro – first steps in the editorial independence of news programme. State of Montenegro,… »
Screenings from Festival «Fast Forward 2017» even after official festival days
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) yesterday, in the premises of PI Daycare for children and youth with disabilities and difficulties in development in Berane, in cooperation with Municipality of Berane, has organized a screening of film, Life Animated, by US director and awardwinner of a prestigious film award Oscar Roger Ross Williams, which was attended… »
APPEAL OF 11 NGOs – the Government should provide free access to information to the Commission for monitoring cases of attacks on journalists and release reports on the work of the Commission
Eleven NGOs (Human Rights Action, Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Centre for Investigative Journalism, Centre for Monitoring and Research (CEMI), Centre for Women’s and Peace Education ANIMA, Women’s Rights Centre, Institute Alternative, Juventas, Network for Affirmation of NGO Sector (MANS), Women’s Safe House and Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro (AYDM) have sent a… »
DPS wants to demolish RTCG independency even at the cost of activation of balance clause
Reaction of Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) on our yesterday’s statement indicates that DPS is in a severe discrepancy not only with critically oriented non-governmental organizations that argumentatively point out deviations of the system and advocate for defence of public interest, but also with the European Union, USA and many other actors in the country… »
Doctors to freely decide on interests of the profession
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Institute Alternative (IA), Centre for Development of Non-Governmental Organizations (CDNGO) and Centre for Investigative Journalism of Montenegro (CIN MNE) appeal for removal of all obstacles as soon as possible and creation of conditions for normal functioning of the Doctors Chamber of Montenegro whose work is being obstructed by the Ministry… »
Last assault of DPS on independency of RTCG
We inform national and international public that Administrative Committee of Parliament of Montenegro continues illegal action in proceedings that are being led towards members of Council of RTCG, exactly in the manner that we warned in our statement from 5 October 2017. Administrative Committee called upon member of the Council, Goran Djurovic, to, in the… »