In the framework of the educational programme ”Contemporary tendencies of critical thought” and in response to popular demand CCE presents, for the ninth time in Montenegro, the world-renowned PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAMME (PEP) This programme of weekly, hour-and-a-half long workshops, lasts for 10 consecutive weeks. It is created by The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF), with the… »
Happy Holidays!
Labels instead of dialogue
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the first signed statement, out of four that University of Montenegro (UoM) issued in an attempt to question the credibility of the CCE and its employees. We do appreciate the progress made at least in part that from now on they will find a “scapegoat” for the sake of… »
Facts deny University of Montenegro
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) responsibly indicates to social deviations that it detects and tries with its actions to provoke adequate institutional response, but also to work constructively towards improving the existing legal framework and bad practices. Within that framework, the study “Academic honor at the Montenegrin manner – plagiarisms in Montenegro and their (non)… »
Academic hounour in Montenegrin manner – plagiarism in Montenegro and (lack of) its processing
Findings of annual research on the financing of media from public funds presented
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today presented the findings of the annual research «Equal chances for all media» on the financing of media from public funds. Mina Kalezić, programme assistant at the CCE, pointed out that the research was conducted from May till December 2016, based on the Free Access to Information Law. “The research… »
Coalition agreements on formation of a Government must be published
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) considers that the Montenegrin public should have access to coalition agreements on formation of the Government of Montenegro, in order to acquire a factual context of the extent to which the public authorities are really professionalized and depoliticized, and to what extent it remains in the party “chains”. As a… »
59 participants successfully completed VIII cycle of PEP
VIII cycle of world renowned Peace Education Programme (PEP), finished after ten weeks of workshops in Centre for Civic Education (CCE). Out of 74 participants who had the opportunity to attend it, 59 successfully completed it by taking part in more than 80% of workshops. PEP helps its participants to explore the possibility of personal… »
To personalize accountability in the Government
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has submitted an Initiative to the Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković whereby it sought from the Prime Minister to pass a decision which would oblige the heads of state administration bodies to sign any announcements, press releases and public information of any content by authorised official, head of department,… »
The closing night of FAST FORWARD 2016
Premiere of film “Neruda”, starting at 20h30, in Montenegrin National Theatre (MNT) will mark the closing of VII FAST FORWARD Human Rights Film Festival 2016. Chilean candidate for Oscar in the category of best foreign movie, as well as the candidate for best foreign movie for this years’ “Golden globe” is the story of best… »