Who gives the labels, and who provides the arguments?

All of those who wish to know who gives the labels, and who provides the arguments in the area of plagiarism, and how did the debate look like yesterday during the conference “Strengthening of integrity and fight against corruption in higher education”, can watch the integral footage here.

Great interest of young people for “Knowledge and skills for jobs!” – 95 applications midway through the application deadline

Overall of 95 unemployed graduates have submitted complete applications by 1 March 2017, for the purpose of participation in project “Knowledge and skills for jobs!”, whereby some of the applications were returned as incomplete and to be amended by deadline. Greatest level of interest was expressed by young people from central region of Montenegro (with… »

Students on their practice

Ten selected students have begun their month-long practice in Institute Alternative and Daily Press, upon attending the workshops on the basics of public policies writing and objective media reporting, as well as after their study visits to the project partners. This practice is being conducted within the project “Active students for sustainable development”, implemented by… »

CoE Commissioner for Human Rights calls the states to take over the ownership over the initiative RECOM

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights has urged the states to support the foundation of Regional commission for the establishment of facts about war crimes and other serious violations of human rights committed in the former Yugoslavia from 1 January 1991 until 31 December 2001 (RECOM). Commissioner has indicated in the report “Missing persons… »

Can a memorial compensate the lack of prosecution of crimes?

On the occasion of February 27, 24 years since the crime in Štrpci occurred, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) wishes to pay homage to victims, as well as to remind about the responsibility of institutions with regards to this crime, since until nowadays, they failed to process involved perpetrators, masterminds and those who initiated this… »

Opportunity to define plagiarism with the Criminal Code

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assesses as positive that Ministry of Justice has begun with the amendments of Criminal Code during the process of harmonisation with the acqui communitaire, as well as with the documents of Council of Europe and United Nations, especially considering the importance of progress in meeting the benchmarks set out within… »

Through cooperation of civic and public sector to higher employability of university graduates

Representatives of Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Human Resources Management Authority have signed the Memorandum on cooperation for the implementation of activities within the project “Knowledge and skills for jobs”. Project objective is to contribute to the improvement of employability and status of unemployed graduates on labour market in Montenegro. “Cooperation between civic sector… »

How did we welcome World Day of Social Justice?

On the occasion of World Day of Social Justice, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) reminds that fair society can exist only when all citizens have the necessary conditions to live a dignified life based on their work and equal opportunities to participate in social, economic, political and cultural life of their community, without the discrimination… »