MI and NGO CCE: There is progress, transparency needs to be improved

Today, Minister of the Interior, Sergej Sekulović, met with the representatives of the non-governmental organization Centre for Civic Education (CCE), to exchange arguments regarding the granting of honorary citizenships in the previous period, as well as the current practice of the Ministry of the Interior (MI). Interpretations of Article 12 of the Law on Montenegrin… »

Social democracy requires courage in advocacy for ideas

Democracy has never been and must not become anarchy – that you can do whatever you want anytime and anywhere. Freedom yes, but never at the expense of someone else’s freedom. Democracy yes, but never if democratic rights are denied to someone else, said Stipe Mesić, former president of Croatia, at the final panel of… »

The marriage of politics and historiography is always a failure

“The marriage of politics and historiography is always a bad marriage for both sides. The longer historiography is politicized, it is not historiography, and while politics is impregnated with history and interpretation of history it is not genuine politics,” was the key message from the panel “Does history belong to the past?”, during the second… »

Right tendencies should be addressed by joining civic forces

Regional networking can be a strong impulse for the mobilisation of civic forces in civic society and politics to resist the wave of right-wing tendencies that is becoming a common problem of all in the region, as emphasized on the third panel „How to get louder?“ within the Podgorica Plenum – Quo Vadis Balkans?, organised… »

A region of missed chances

“Social democracy in the region does not have clear positions on key issues, it is eroded by populism and the race for votes, and it must also fight nationalism. The values on which social democracy is based must be built into the foundation of every social democratic party in the region, in order to reaffirm… »

Decisive regional response to right-wing extremism, clericalization and misogyny is needed

“The discourse of Europeanization is currently marginalized by retrograde and impotent policies, and hence we need to gather civic forces in the region and offer resolute resistance to right-wing extremism, clericalism and misogyny”, as emphasized at the introductory panel of the Podgorica Plenum – Quo Vadis Balkans?, organized today by the Centre for Civic Education… »

MPs to demonstrate on the example of compensation upon the end of the term of office a responsible attitude towards the budget and citizens

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), following the earlier announcements, sent to all parliamentary clubs, but also the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration, an Initiative to amend Article 36 of the Law on Salaries of Public Sector Employees and Article 60 of the Law on Civil Servants and employees. The initiative proposes to shorten… »

The Government set a new record in awarding honorary citizenships

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) points out the continuation of the bad practice of awarding the so-called honorary citizenships whose number in the mandate of this Government breaks all previous records. Namely, the Ministry of the Interior brought 273 decisions in 2021 and one in 2020. Hence, for 13 months of its work, the Government… »

Competition for the best journalistic story that addresses the position of persons with disabilities in Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is announcing COMPETITION for the best journalistic story that addresses the position of persons with disabilities in Montenegro The competition is intended for journalists of Montenegrin printed media, agencies and portals registered in Montenegro who, at the national and local level, report on persons with disabilities (PWD) in a manner… »