Centre for Civic Education (CCE), within the project YouthJobLink – linking youth and social enterprises, supported by the European Union through the Directorate for Finance and Contracting of EU Assistance Funds (CFCU) of the Ministry of Finance, announces CALL for employers interested to participate in the programme of strengthening their capacities and employment of young… »
Call for participants of the Youth Activism School
Call for participants of the Youth Activism School Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is publicizing CALL for participants of THE YOUTH ACTIVISM SCHOOL If you are a high school student and you want to improve your speaking and presentation skills, learn more about your rights and the rights of marginalized groups, network with your peers,… »
Call for XII generation of interns
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces the Call for XII generation of interns. Internship lasts for two months, from 20 October to 20 December 2023, with a possibility of extending cooperation on various grounds. We invite you to apply for following programmes: Democratisation and Europeanisation – 1 position Human Rights – 1 position Active Citizenship – 1 position… »
Call for participation in a non-formal training programme and paid work engagement for unemployed young people from the territory of Montenegro up to the age of 30
YouthJobLink – CALL Centre for Civic Education (CCE), within the project YouthJobLink – Linking Youth & Social Enterprises, supported by the European Union through the Directorate for Finance and Contracting of EU Assistance Funds (CFCU) of the Ministry of Finance, opens CALL for participation in a non-formal training programme and paid work engagement for unemployed… »
RECOM – III renewed call for projects from CSO in B&H, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia and Kosovo
Centre for Civic Education (CCE/CGO), on behalf of the RECOM Reconciliation Network, is renewing third Call for projects from civil society organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Kosovo Project proposals that contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about judicial facts, strengthening the voices of victims, accepting and revealing facts about wartime… »
Call for the best literary and artistic work of primary and high school students
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a CALL for the best literary and artistic work of primray and high school students The Call is intended for primary and high school students from all schools in Montenegro who want to contribute to the prevention of discrimination and violence against LGBTIQ people and the acceptance of LGBTIQ… »
Call for participants of Intercultural Camp
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces CALL for participants of INTERCULTURAL CAMP If you are a high-school pupil, wishing to learn about constructive and effective forms of communication, build connections with your peers from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, make changes in your school and the local community in order to affirm the values and… »
Call for students for 1st generation of the Montenegrin Youth Security Academy
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a Call for students for 1st generation of the MONTENEGRIN YOUTH SECURITY ACADEMY THE MONTENEGRIN YOUTH SECURITY ACADEMY offers a wide range of theoretical and practical knowledge, all with the aim of strengthening the youth’s resistance to foreign malignant influences. During the two-day intensive and dynamic programme, 20 selected… »
Call for the III generation of the Youth Activism School
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is publicizing call for attendees of the III generation of THE YOUTH ACTIVISM SCHOOL If you are a high school student and you want to improve your activist skills in the promotion and advocacy for human rights, expand your knowledge or exchange experiences with your peers from other cities, then… »
IV call for proposals for the support for projects of civil society organisations (CSO) in Montenegro
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) within the project CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy shaping – M’BASE project opens IV CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the support for projects of civil society organisations (CSO) in Montenegro Project proposals, which should contribute to the successful EU integration process of Montenegro by empowering the civil… »