To change political invisibility of the people with disabilities with the mutual ventures for improvement of their position

Political parties have the key role in decision-making processes in the public interest, and consequently improvement of the position of persons with disabilities, and that must be a mutual venture of all political actors, no matter to the ideological profiles and political history of relations among political subjects, as concluded at the training „Promotion of… »

Illegalities registered by the SAI remain invisible to the Prosecution

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) points out that certain conclusions of the Audit Report on Annual Financial Statement of the State Election Commission (SEC), conducted by the State Audit Institution (SAI), confirm numerous irregularities in the operations of the SEC. Audit of Financial operations of the SEC for 2020 was one of the CCE’s proposals… »

The new president of the SEC should be qualified by expert references, not by the support of only one political structure

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) draws the attention of the interested public to the ongoing public call for the president of the State Election Commission of Montenegro (SEC), which is the opportunity for this institution to finally move along the path to necessary institutional healing. CCE reminds that this Call occurred after the dismissal of… »

Poor state at the UoM is also noticed by faculty units

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) points to the concerning findings of the UoM’s self-evaluation process conducted by commissions on organizational units’ level, whose reports were used as a basis by the UoM’s Board for the Quality System Management for the adoption of accompanying opinions and recommendations. As stated in the letter of the Board submitted… »

Legal support to the media and journalists

Centre for Civic Education (CGO) provides one year’s free legal support to the media and journalists within the framework of the project “Media for me!”. Media workers will have at their disposal the advice of the legal team linked to the daily work of journalists, challenges that they face during the production of investigative pieces… »