Selection of Fast Forward Film Festival gains on new acclaims

Before the seventh edition of Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival 2016, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is already working on its preparation, film selection, and fundraising for the organisation of this, for Montenegrin context, unique festival. FAST FORWARD Festival is of multiple significance – both for the domain of affirmation of human rights and… »

Masters and PhD thesis of academic staff and officials should be made public

Within its activities related to fight against the corruption in education, and participation in global initiative Open Government Partnership, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) proposed an anticorruption measure which would render all masters and PhD thesis of academic structure of employees on higher-education institutions in Montenegro, as well as the works of public officials, easily… »

Poor people, persons with disabilities, Roma, old people, sexual minorities and women are most discriminated

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today presented a research on public opinion regarding the perception of citizens on discrimination and homophobia  within its project Different but equal, supported by the Embassy of Canada. Field part of research was done by agency Ipsos Strategic Marketing. By discussing on project, within which the research was done, Svetlana Pešić, CCE… »

Is UoM going back to its old habits in communication?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is, for the second time this year, taken aback by low-minded reaction of the University of Montenegro (UoM) that does not respond meaningfully to question initiated by the CCE, which undermines culture of dialogue and suggests that UoM is going back to some old, bad practices of communication with stakeholders.… »

Victims of violence of post – Yugoslav war still without justice

Regarding the 22 February, International Day of Victims of Violence, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) appealed to decision-makers, especially to those from judicial and executive branch, to demonstrate far greater level of seriousness and responsibility in actions aimed to serve justice for every victim of wars of 90s, as well as to achieve more tangible… »

Thoroughly examine the claims on plagiarism prior to confirmation on the appointment of dean of Law Faculty

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) addressed rector Radmila Vojvodić with a letter before the session of Managing Board of University of Montenegro, asking her to urge the members of Managing Board to disapprove the appointment of Velimir Rakočević for the dean of Law Faculty on tomorrow’s session, by using her institutional capacities and personal authority.… »

Is Montenegro a Social Justice State?

Regarding the International day of Social justice, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) points out that poverty trends in Montenegro, caused by high unemployment rate, endemic corruption and underdeveloped culture of human rights, significantly encumber the democratic development in overall, and therefore calls on competent institutions to invest more efforts in order to secure dignified conditions… »

Facts and prejudice – Financing of non-governmental organisations and political parties in Montenegro from public funds

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organised a presentation of analysis “Facts and prejudice – financing of non-governmental organisations and political parties in Montenegro from public funds”. Daliborka Uljarević, CCE Executive Director, emphasised at the beginning that the “Issue of transparency of public finances still represents a challenge, because we as a society and state system… »

Diplomas for XXII generation of Human Rights School

Participants of XXII generation of Human Rights School, organised by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) with the support of Canadian Embassy, through the project “Different but equal!”, today visited the Police Department within the practical part of curriculum, gaining the opportunity thereby to familiarise with the functioning, competencies and activities of Police Department, Security… »