Does every nation in Montenegro speak in other language?

Last night, beginning at 18h00, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) hosted first round of debate titled “Does every nation in Montenegro speak in other language?”. The debate is part of series of four regional expert conferences under the joint title LANGUAGES AND NATIONALISMS, which will be held in 2016 in Podgorica, Sarajevo, Belgrade and… »

On state of media freedoms in the Western Balkans in European Parliament

Ana Vujošević, Programme coordinator for EU integration at the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), held a presentation in European Parliament, during a hearing organised by ALDE group, titled: “State of plat of press and media freedoms in the Western Balkans”. Vujošević indicated on the importance of discussion on this subject in European Parliament, as well… »

Fellows of prestigious Marshall Memorial programme paid a visit to Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) once again hosted this year’s American participants of prestigious Marshall Memorial Fellowship programme in Montenegro from 15-20 April 2016. During their stay in Montenegro, the participants had the opportunity to get to know more about the potentials and challenges of Montenegro, by visiting its various parts, by learning about Montenegrin… »

Committee for Human Rights and Freedoms should have a broader approach when dealing with human rights

“State of human rights is still at an unsatisfying level despite certain progress, which is why the dialogue between all stakeholders is important since it could yield more quality solutions and approaches”, pointed out Petar Đukanović, Programme coordinator for Human rights at the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), at today’s 63rd session of the Committee… »

«European café» in 2016

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organised, in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, a meeting today, within the «European café» project between the representatives of non-governmental organisations and oppositional parties, in light of the negotiations between the European Union and Montenegro, on the subject “Do European values live in Montenegro and how does the civic opposition… »

Certificates for 53 participants of VI PEP cycle and launching of VII cycle

World renowned Peace Education Programme (PEP) completed its VI ten-weeks long cycle of workshops in the premises of Centre for Civic Education (CCE), and the certificates were awarded to 53 participants who successfully finished the programme. Workshops were diverse and motivating, while the offered materials for this programme represented selection of key topics on which… »

CCE completed the consultations on the ammendments for the establishment of equal opportunities for media

Representatives of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) Daliborka Uljarević, Executive director and Ana Vujošević, Programme coordinator for EU integration, held a meeting with the representatives of Positive Montenegro, namely with the head of the MPs club Goran Tuponja and MP Azra Jasavić, regarding the proposal of amendments on the set of media and related… »

What is the cost of MPs for the citizens?

Regarding the statement of MP of Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Zoran Jelić in the Parliament of Montenegro, with regard to the information from the analysis of Centre for Civic Education (CCE) “Facts and prejudice – financing of NGOs and political parties in Montenegro from public funds”, which determined, based on publically available information, that… »

Discrimination towards Roma undiminished

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), on the occasion 8 April – International Roma Day, indicates that position of this social group is still extremely bad in all crucial life aspects, from the social and economic status, caused by bad approach and quality of education, to complete exclusion from political participation. The latest public opinion survey… »