A European story must be a genuine story

Montenegro’s road to the EU has been slowed by the lack of internal political dialogue, foreign interference and technocratic benchmarks, and the negotiation process is crucial, not only to get tick the box, but to prepare for what follows. The European story is too serious to be left to politicians, political discourse is manipulative in… »

Generally positive although slower trend of acceptance of LGBT persons, negative influence of clericalization and radicalization of society

When it comes to understanding and accepting LGBT people in Montenegrin society, there is a generally positive, although somehow slower trend. This indicates a more mature and open approach, although in certain issues there is stagnation or even some regression, which can be explained by the wave of clericalization and radicalization in the last few… »

The photography exhibition “On the move” opened at Kuslev House Gallery

Today, the focus on empathy and solidarity is especially important, and this is exactly what are strongly reminding us of the photographs by Sandra Vitaljić, Damir Šagolj, Goran Boričić and Igor Čoko presented to the Podgorica audience within the exhibition “ON THE MOVE”, which was officially opened last night at Kuslev House Gallery. “This exhibition,… »

In the WG on the assessment of the Open Balkan initiative for Montenegro to include also critically oriented civic sector

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the announcement by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of European Affairs, Jovana Marović, that the Government of Montenegro will form a Working Group to assess the (in)compliance of the Open Balkans initiative with our path to the EU, as well as good neighborly relations and potential economic benefits.… »