Human rights in the focus of high school students
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organised the main part of teaching programme of XXII Generation of Human Rights School, from 11 to 13 February in Miločer, with the support of Canadian Embassy, through the project “Different but Equal”. XXII generation of Human Rights School was attended by 27 high school students from 17 Montenegrin municipalities… »
Final verdicts do not yield justice without the pre-determined responsibility
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) recalls the crime which took place on 14 February 1993 in municipality of Čajniče, where members of so called Army of B&H, among whom eight were Montenegrin citizens from Pljevlja, attacked the unprotected villages of Trpinje and Šapići, from the territory of Montenegro from the direction of village Bukovica. As… »
Democracy School – XXVII generation
CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung announces an OPEN CALL for participants of the XXVII generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL – school for learning democracy from theory to practice – School comprises of five modules in total duration of four months. The sessions will be held once or twice a week, in duration of two hours. All… »
Remembering the Holocaust and victims of most cruel forms of violence and torture
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) underlines that by marking January 27 – International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust provides an opportunity to remind ourselves of the horrific aftermath of fascist ideology. It is also an opportunity for us to pause and contemplate on threats of fascism, which only violate… »
Prosecution is still unwilling to process party favourites
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) received today an act from Basic State Prosecution (BSP) from Podgorica, regarding the case Cc no.262/15 dated on 12 January 2016, which informed us that criminal charge which CCE submitted against Sanja Vlahović from Bar, due to the criminal offense of violation of moral rights of author and interpreter from… »
EU programmes – a new area of educational and developmental opportunities for young people
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organised a panel discussion in its conference room titled EU programmes – a new area of educational and developmental opportunities for young people. The panel is part of the activities of project Overcoming the deficit of knowledge about the EU, implemented by the CCE along with 14 organisations and institutions… »
University of Montenegro should focus on internal issues not on credibility of findings of CCE
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) was surprised by superficial and tendentious reaction from University of Montenegro (UoM) on the account of yesterday’s presentation regarding the research on corruption in education. The research is part of the project “Only knowledge should get the title”, which the CCE is implementing in cooperation with ELIAMEP, with the support… »
EU programmes – a new area of Educational and Developmental Opportunities for Young People
Corruption in education is increasing
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) presented the public opinion research regarding the perception of citizens on corruption in education. Daliborka Uljarević, CCE Executive Director, and Snežana Kaluđerović, coordinator of Active citizenship programme, spoke on the results of research. “Perception of corruption in the system of education in Montenegro is not universal, but what is of… »