Call for training for secondary school teachers on teaching methods on LGBTIQ topics

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces OPEN CALL for training for secondary school teachers on teaching methods on LGBTIQ topics The call is open to all secondary school teachers in the territory of Montenegro who are interested in expanding their knowledge about the human rights of marginalized groups, improving their skills in providing support to… »

Call for XI generation of interns

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces the Call for XI generation of interns. Internship lasts for two months, from 20 October to 20 December 2022, with a possibility of extending cooperation on various grounds. We invite you to apply for following programmes: Democratisation and Europeanisation – 1 position Human Rights – 1 position Active Citizenship – 1 position… »

Call for participants of The Academy on Consumer Rights

The Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces CALL for participants of THE ACADEMY ON CONSUMER RIGHTS The Academy on Consumer Rights provides an opportunity for a closer acquaintance with consumer rights, the mechanisms of their protection, with a focus on Montenegrin and international legislation. During two days of the intensive programme, 15 selected participants will have… »

III call for proposals for the support for projects of civil society organisations (CSO) in Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) within the project  CSOs in Montenegro – from basic services to policy shaping – M’BASE project opens III CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the support for projects of civil society organisations (CSO) in Montenegro Project proposals, which should contribute to the successful EU integration process of Montenegro by empowering the civil… »

Call for participants of the XXVI generation of Human Rights School

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a Call for participants of the XXVI generation of HUMAN RIGHTS SCHOOL – school for studying human rights from theory to practice – If you are a high school pupil, looking to learn about human rights and to contribute to the fight against hate speech, meet and socialize with… »

Open call for participation in the workshop LET’S FAST FORWARD GENDER EQUALITY

Ubrzajmo rodnu ravnopravnost

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is announcing an OPEN CALL for participation in the workshop LET’S FAST FORWARD GENDER EQUALITY The Call for participation in the one-day-long workshop is open to all professors who teach sociology, civic education, healthy lifestyles and subjects from the group of social sciences and humanities in high schools. The workshop… »

Support to Local Civil Society Organizations – Transitional Justice and Confidence Building Initiatives in the Western Balkans – RECOM Reconciliation Network

RECOM Reconciliation Network invites civil society organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Northern Macedonia and Kosovo to submit a proposal for an initiative that contributes to the dissemination of knowledge about judicial facts and strengthening the voice of victims, accepting and disclosing facts about war events and crimes in the local community, building a… »

Call for participants IV Media Literacy Forum for high school students


Centre for Civic Education (CCE) opens the call for participants IV MEDIA LITERACY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS If you are a high school student and want to learn about media literacy and media, meet and socialize with peers, expand and exchange experiences with other young people, and if you think you do not have… »

Competition for the best journalistic story that addresses the position of persons with disabilities in Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is announcing COMPETITION for the best journalistic story that addresses the position of persons with disabilities in Montenegro The competition is intended for journalists of Montenegrin printed media, agencies and portals registered in Montenegro who, at the national and local level, report on persons with disabilities (PWD) in a manner… »

Call for participants of Youth Activism School

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is announcing a CALL for participants of YOUTH ACTIVISM SCHOOL – the school for learning about activism from theory to practice – If you are a high school student and you want to become an active citizen, to promote democratic values, to expand your knowledge and to exchange your experiences… »