Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is announcing an ADVERTISEMENT for participants of YOUTH ACTIVISM SCHOOL – the school for learning about activism from theory to practice – If you are a high school student and you want to become an active citizen, to promote democratic values, to expand your knowledge and to exchange your experiences… »
Call for internship
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) opens the Call for participants of II generation of
TRAVELING SCHOOL FOR TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE If you are a young person, between 19 to 35 years, wishing to learn more about the concept of transitional justice, culture of remembrance, about the 90s wars, war crimes and suffering in SFRY, but also later actively contribute to the process of dealing with the past, as one… »
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) opens the Call for students for
MEDIA LITERACY FORUM AND INTERNSHIP Media Literacy Forum offers wide spectrum of theoretical and practical knowledge on media literacy, with focus on social media and disclosure of fake news. During the three days of intensive and dynamic programme, a group of 20 selected students will have the opportunity to learn from international and domestic experts learn… »
Public call for participation at the regional art workshop
PUBLIC CALL FOR PARTICIPATION AT THE REGIONAL ART WORKSHOP ART FOR SOCIAL CHANGE – VIEW ON CORRUPTION Aiming to contribute to fight against corruption through alternative ways and sensibilisation of the artistic community in communicating current social challenges, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and the NGO Za druga invite young artists and students of… »
Let’s put corruption into museum – CALL FOR PROPOSALS III
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) within the project LET’S PUT CORRUPTION INTO MUSEUM! Opens CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the support for civil society organisations’ projects in Montenegro Your project proposals, which should aim to contribute to the civil society participation in the implementation of anti-corruption policies and practices, shall be submitted no later than 25 October 2019,… »
Call for participants of Traveling school for transitional justice
RECOM III call for support to CSO projects
Centre for Civic Education (CCE/CGO), on behalf of project partners, within the project Regional CSO Activism for Regional Reconciliation in the Former Yugoslavia – in Support of RECOM, announces THIRD CALL FOR SUPPORT TO PROJECTS OF CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS IN NORTH MACEDONIA AND KOSOVO You may submit your project proposals, which should contribute to strengthen… »
Call for internship
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces the Call for VIII generation of interns. Internship lasts for two months, from 15 October to 15 December 2019, with a possibility of extending cooperation on various grounds. We invite you to apply for following programmes: Democratisation and Europeanisation – 2 positions Human Rights – 1 position Active Citizenship… »